Our body is made up of many cells, they regenerate after every few weeks and we then have a new body, however, when cells die off and don't regenerate, we have less and less cells or less and less healthy cells. Aging thus takes place.
Our cells are made up many components. The cell nucleus controls the function of the cell and regeneration, while the mitochondira is the 'battery' that creates energy. As we breath and grow or work, our cells produce energy. The by product of this process is FREE RADICALS, they are harmful to our bodies as they impair (prevent) energy production and cellular function (our DNA!). Some of the cells are damaged enough and die off, while some may survive and may mutate (a form of cancer!).
So even while we are breathing, we are producing FREE RADICALS that harm us (!). When we are young, our bodies produce and consume sufficient ANTIOXIDANTS that can neutralize them, however, as our nutrition level reduces and pollution and stress increases, our bodies will not be able to neutralize them anymore, thus causing more FREE RADICAL damage.
This is evident by the increasing number of cancer cases, chronic illnesses, premature aging, hair loss, memory, cardiovascular diseases, eye sight at a younger age than before.

Here's a simple anaogy:
An apple cut in half will turn brown and aged in a matter of minutes. Why?
Because it is oxidized by FREE RADICALS in the air. However, a few drops of lemon juice will keep the apply fresh for a few hours. This is because lemon juice has a powerful ANTIOXIDANTS called Vitamin C. However Vitamin C is very easily oxidized and after a few hours, the apple will turn brown and aged again.
Our cells are just like the apple. However, for the apple, we can just cut the brown and aged area away and eat it, but for our bodies, we can't do that, right?
GOOD NEWS! That is why we need a lot of ANTIOXIDANTS to nuetralise these dangerous FREE RADICALS.
What are ANTIOXIDANTS ? They are Fruits, Vegetables, Vitamins and Minerals.
Knowing you ANTIOXIDANT status is important to proactively PREVENT from FREE RADICAL damage that may lead to PREMATURE Aging, Chronic Illnesses and Cell Mutation (Cancer). When you know your ANTIOXIDANT status, you can seek ways to increase and maintain it, stay younger longer and reduce the risk of chronic diseases and cancer.
There are many books on this subject, here are the 2 famous authors who have made a difference by sharing this important knowledge with everyone.

Your ANTIOXIDANTS status is a SHIELD that protects your BODY.