So, What is your ANTIOXIDANTS Status?
How do you measure it?
Before, to measure your ANTIOXIDANTS status, you will need to give blood, urine and also skin samples, use a very expensive equipment called a HPLC and pay several hundred dollars and wait 2-3 weeks to get the results.
I'm sure no one would want to do that? Give blood?
Well, you don't have to!

We have scanned more than 9 million people world wide!

How does it work?
Sir C. V. Raman discovered the technology on which the scanner is based in the 1920’s. Sir Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the Raman Spectroscopy in 1930. That was in the 1920's, but until the onset of the computer, optical and laser technology reached its current sophistication, the concept was not really practical.
Raman’s discovery proved that there are certain molecules, like carotenoids, that can be excited with a certain wavelength of laser light. The molecules then begin to resonate in very particular ways, releasing a very specific light signal of an altered wavelength that then can be measured.
This discovery was revolutionary at the time, but computer and laser technologies could not fully apply it until recently. In just the last ten years, researchers at Utah University, School for Cancer Research, led by Dr. Werner Gellerman, actually started putting all these pieces of technology together.
The scanner technology is a tremendous scientific breakthrough. Scientists realized that the concentration of carotenoids in the eye is related to eye health. Because carotenoids are found throughout the body as part of the body’s antioxidant network, scientists believed this same technology could be used to measure carotenoid levels in human tissue. That’s when the scientists at Pharmanex® collaborated with Dr. Gellerman to develop the Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner.
By simply placing the palm of your hand in front of a safe, low-energy blue light laser, you obtain an immediate reading of your carotenoid antioxidant activity—your antioxidant Score. The range can be from 10,000 to >50,000. An optimal health status is >50,000 (Blue Zone). Typically, people with a healthy lifestyle, consume 9-10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily will score around >40,000. However, since everyone is unique the BEST way to find out, is to measure your own score and monitor it every 6 months.
"The ability to MEASURE, is the basis of SCIENCE."
When it comes to health, let's not guess; just measure.
A news broadcast by ABC in America.
A news broadcast in Taiwan.
The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner
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